2009-08-24 抗癌健康网
专注健康 关爱生命
MR灌注成像(perfusion imaging,PI)是近几年才发展起来的一种新的成像技术.现结合国外文献,对MR PI的基本原理及其在颅脑中的应用做一综述.
- 作 者:
- 王东张挽时徐家兴
- 作者单位:
- 空军总医院CT室,北京,100036
- 刊 名:
- 空军总医院学报
- 英文刊名:
- 年,卷(期):
- 200016(1)
- 分类号:
- R445.2 R331.3+7 R743.33 R739.41
- 关键词:
- 磁共振成像 脑血管循环 脑梗塞 脑肿瘤
- 机标分类号:
- TH3 I20
- 机标关键词:
- 颅脑国外文献灌注成像成像技术原理应用
- 基金项目:
- DOI:
- Bahn MM.Oser AB.Cro DJ CT and MRI of stroke 1996
- Patel MR.Siewert B.Warach S Diffusion and perfusion imaging techniques 1995
- Soren AG.Tievsky AV.Ostergaard L Contrast agents in functional MR imaging 1997
- Fisher M.Prichard JW.Warach S New magnetic resonance techniques for acute ischemic stroke 1995
- Maeda M.Maley JF.Croy DL Alication of contrast angents in the evaluation of stroke:conventional MR and echo-planar MR imaging 1997
- Runge VM.Kirsch JE.Wells JW Aement of cerebral perfusion by first-pa,dynamic,contrast-enhanced steady-state free-preceion MR imaging:an animal study 1993
- Siewert B.Patel MP.Warach S Stroke and ischemia 1995
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- Maeda M.Itoh S.Ide H Acute stroke in cats:comparison of dynamic susceptibility contrast MR imaging with T2- and diffusion-weighted MR imaging 1993
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- Siewert B.Schlaug S.Edelman RR Comparison of EPISTAR and T2*-weighted gadolinium-enhanced perfusion imaging in patients with acute cerebral ischmia 1997
- Knight RA.Dereski MO.Helpen JA Magnetic resonance imaging aement of evolving focal cerebral ischemia:comparison with histopathology in cats 1994
- Tsuchida C.Yamada H.Maeda M Evaluation of peri-infarcted hypoperfusion with T2*-weughted dynamic MRI 1997
- Aroen H.Gazit I.louis D Cerebral blood volume ma of gliomas:comparison with tumor grade and histologic findings 1994
- Wenz F.Rem K.Heb T Effect of radiation on blood volume in low-grade astrocytomas and normal brain tiue:quantification with dynamic susceptibility contrast MR imaging 1996
- Gückel F.Brix G.Rem K Aement of cerebral blood volume with dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced gradient echo imaging 1994