2019-07-30 抗癌健康网
专注健康 关爱生命在一项研究中,美国州大学伯克利分校生物工程教授Sanjay Kumar实验室发现肿瘤细胞在体内有限空间中能够迁移得更快。2012年6月11日,这篇研究论文在线发表在PNAS期刊上,共同作者为Sanjay Kumar和博士后研究员Amit Pathak。
这可能是一种在生理上有着重要作用的机制,这是因为恶性脑瘤倾向于沿着组织界面和受限的空间,如血管和神经束,最快速地浸润组织。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1118073109
Independent regulation of tumor cell migration by matrix stiffness and confinement
Amit Pathak and Sanjay Kumar
Tumor invasion and metastasis are strongly regulated by biophysical interactions between tumor cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM). While the influence of ECM stiffness on cell migration, adhesion, and contractility has been extensively studied in 2D culture, extension of this concept to 3D cultures that more closely resemble tissue has proven challenging, because perturbations that change matrix stiffness often concurrently change cellular confinement. This coupling is particularly problematic given that matrix-imposed steric barriers can regulate invasion speed independent of mechanics. Here we introduce a matrix platform based on microfabrication of channels of defined wall stiffness and geometry that allows independent variation of ECM stiffness and channel width. For a given ECM stiffness, cells confined to narrow channels surprisingly migrate faster than cells in wide channels or on unconstrained 2D surfaces, which we attribute to increased polarization of cell-ECM traction forces. Confinement also enables cells to migrate increasingly rapidly as ECM stiffness rises, in contrast with the biphasic relationship observed on unconfined ECMs. Inhibition of nonmuscle myosin II dissipates this traction polarization and renders the relationship between migration speed and ECM stiffness comparatively insensitive to matrix confinement. We test these hypotheses in silico by devising a multiscale mathematical model that relates cellular force generation to ECM stiffness and geometry, which we show is capable of recapitulating key experimental trends. These studies represent a paradigm for investigating matrix regulation of invasion and demonstrate that matrix confinement alters the relationship between cell migration speed and ECM stiffness.